
Treating nervous patients using sedation at Woodcock Lane Dental in Stonehouse

Many people experience some form of "nerves" when visiting the dentist. For a few of us though, it is more than just nerves.  A deep-rooted anxiety, phobia or previous bad experience can make attending a dental practice a very stressful time, especially for more lengthy or complex procedures.

We are delighted to be able to offer a solution if you are one of these people. Nicholas Brown, one of our dentists, assisted by our sedation trained nurses, are able to provide sedation services. This allows dental treatment to be carried out while the patient feels calm and relaxed.

We are currently able to provide intravenous sedation to adult patients. This will not send you to sleep or act as a general anaesthetic, but correctly and professionally administered by Nick, it will make you feel calmer and more relaxed, so you won't worry about injections, gagging, having a tooth removed (or whatever you are anxious about). You will be able to communicate with us throughout the procedure and a further benefit is that you may be left with no memory of having had the procedure.

How do I get to have sedation?

You will need to arrange an assessment appointment with Nick. At this appointment Nick will check that it is safe to provide sedation when considering your medical status, discuss the treatment plan, and talk you through your chosen method of sedation.

An appointment can then be arranged to carry out your proposed treatment under sedation.  Before this appointment you may be requested to attend an appointment or two with one of our nurses to check your blood pressure.

Intravenous Sedation:

This involves delivering a sedative (usually midazolam) into your arm, or back of your hand.  The effects of this may last up to 24 hours, which is why we require you to bring a responsible adult to the sedation appointment and ask that this adult escorts you home and remains with you for 24 hours after the appointment.  Although you will be conscious throughout treatment, you may find that this type of sedation leaves you with very little memory or recollection of the treatment you have had.


Throughout your sedation appointment your pulse and blood oxygen levels will be monitored.  We will only discharge you from our care when we are satisfied that you will be safe.  We look forward to providing you with a calm, relaxing and peaceful experience here at Woodcock Lane Dental Care.

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